Our ideas create opportunities.
Who We Are
Accenture, SecureData, T-Systems, Uber & McCann Erickson Alumni. Our proven workflow and systems thinking process has generated leaps for customers in the Media & Broadcast, FinTech, Transport & Logistics, CyberSecurity, Higher Education and Sustainable Economy sectors​.
Mobilising over 20yrs of Technology & Information System design experience, SystemIQ is a BEE Level 1 Enterprise with offices in Cape Town, Johannesburg and Singapore.
Our Work
Research & Development are at the heart of our culture. We care deeply about the spaces we work in, the impact we may have and our dedication to shared positive outcomes.
With successful projects in Higher Education, A.I based Learning Tools and now, a groundbreaking Circular Economy programme in the Direct Carbon Capture sector, we believe that technology & education are the most powerful tools to uplift communities and individuals in South Africa - our home country and primary place of interest.
Why Choose Us?
When we commit to an idea with you, we stay true to the need we're addressing together. While staying in touch with the constantly evolving reality it exists in.
The hardest thing about innovation is that when done right, it will never feel done. There's always a better technology on the horizon. If only there was more time. If only there was a bigger budget. If only the market conditions were more stable. If only there wasn't another global crisis.
But if we don’t act now, we risk missing an opportunity to create change as the world moves on without us. Without ambition & bravery there is no outcome.
We bias toward iterative improvement. Pursuing excellence with the belief that 'done well' is better than perfect. We deliver work that is feasible, actionable and measurable.
How We Work
Immersive Research
Ideation Workshops
Shared Insights
Pitch & Funding Kits
Actionable Strategy
Solution Architecture
Rapid Prototypes
Iteration Roadmaps
Measurement Criteria
Stakeholder Satisfaction
Successes & Failures
Design Optimisation